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putzi 10.04.2001 01:05

ach stefan, sie hält dich immer noch hin ? :(

erst dachte ich, wie schön, dass du jemand anders kennengelernt hast, aber kaum wittert sie, dass sie nicht mehr die absolute nr. 1 ist, setzt sie dich mit ihren "gefühlen" unter druck, und du bist so dumm, dir auch noch ein schlechtes gewissen einreden zu lassen.

ständig erpresst sie dich emotional, wenn du zweifel anmeldest, indem sie sie dich vor die wahl stellt, entweder alles zu glauben was sie schreibt, oder es sit eben aus. und sie weiss natürlich ganz genau, dass du mit der "drohung" brav den mund hältst und nicht weiter unbequem bist.

ich kann mich nur den diversen vorrednern anschliessen :
sie testet aus, wie weit sie mit jungs gehen kann.
würde sie ernsthaft was für dich empfinden , hättest du längst ihre telefonnummer ud adresse....

sorry, aber etwas anderes kann ich leider nicht schreiben...


Brk<3 10.04.2001 01:25

Ich habe Ihre Adresse...
Daß mit der Telefonnummer kläre ich später noch.
Ich kann es nicht glauben.
Nach all dem nicht...
Und es war wirklich beinahe Schluß.
Eigentlich war schon Schluß.
Ach egal...
Jedenfalls liebt Sie mich und ich liebe Sie.
Das liegt einfach nicht in Ihrer Natur, Leute zu verarschen.
Überhaupt nicht. Eher das Gegenteil.
Sie versucht immer die Menschen zum Lächeln zu bringen.
Ich frag Sie demnächst nochmal, mal sehen was dann rauskommt.

Crystal 10.04.2001 01:43

ohne den ganzen 11-seitigen thread gelesen zu haben und trotzdem die hände über dem kopf zusammenschlagend:

du hast dich verrannt in eine pseudo-liebe. ich finde es traurig, daß du sowas mit dir machen läßt und noch nicht mal merkst, was diese tussi mit dir schon so lange macht.
sie wird dir nie die telefonnummer geben. kannst du dir endgültig abschminken.
sie nennt dich in jedem 2. satz "baby". was für ein gesülze. ich krieg echt krämpfe bei sowas. sie ist ein oberflächlicher, egoistischer mensch, der nur spaß an bla bla hat. liebe kennt diese "frau" nicht. sie kommt mir vor wie ein künstliches, verwöhntes, zuckerpüppchen.

ihr seid fest zusammen? höchstens virtuell gesehen...und das hat sicher nichts mit seelenverwandschaft zu tun. alles was sie dir schreibt, ist so unpersönlich, sie könnte genausogut auch jemand anderem diese worte schreiben.

es tut mir leid, ich habe kein verständnis dafür.
man kann sich sicherlich übers netz verlieben, aber nicht SO!!!

deine gefühle will ich mit meinem posting nicht verletzen, verstehe mich nicht falsch, aber ich rege mich ganz schön über die oberflächlichkeit dieses zuckerpüppchens auf.

mach ganz schnell schluß mit dieser "liebe" und verliebe dich in eine frau aus dem real life. da gibts sicher so einige liebenswerte frauen mit tiefgang, deren liebe du hautnah spüren kannst.

mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen.
viel glück


Brk<3 10.04.2001 01:57

Ja ja..
ich sehe schon , daß es mal wieder falsch war mich hier zu melden. Ich kriege ja eh immer nur das selbe zu hören.
Und krieg dann schon wieder so ein Scheißgefühl im Magen.
Ihr wißt doch gar nicht, was wir alles schon geschrieben haben. Das kann man sich nicht alles aus den Fingern saugen. Das geht Nicht!

Aber egal...

putzi 10.04.2001 05:31

stefan, DU gibst hier deinen eindruck wieder. wenn alles so anders ist, wieso zietierst du dann die stellen, die eben genau den eindruck vermitteln, dass sie mit dir spielt ?

und findest du es nicht seltsam, dass fast alle hier derselben meinung sind ?
ich weiss selber, wieviel genugtuung man sich aus solch virtuellen spielchen herausziehen kann...

aber ich finde es immer bedenklich, wieviele leute, egal anscheinend welchen alters, aus solchen geschichten meinen , sie LIEBEN.

aber wie in einem anderen sinnlosposting hier wollen die betroffenen anscheinend nicht wirklich ratschläge, sondern hoffen lediglich, dass man ihnen nach dem mund redet. viel spass bei der geschichte !

wenn alles so anders ist und wir keine ahnung haben, dann vermittle doch bitte einen anderen eindruck von ihr !

Brk<3 10.04.2001 20:31


Du hast recht. Es stimmt. Habe immer nur die negativen Seiten vermittelt.
Deswegen werde ich jetzt mal ein paar Ihrer Emails freigeben:


So Leuts...
das war jetzt ne ganze Menge
und ihre unterschiedlichen Reaktionen lassen sich auf meine Emails zurückführen die ich euch aber nicht auch noch lesen lassen will....

Würde mich mal sehr interessieren was Ihr jetzt so denkt...

Euer Stefan

[Geändert von Brk<3 am 13.01.2002 um 11:53 Uhr]

putzi 10.04.2001 21:09


also, ich hab das jetzt nicht wirklich alles gelesen, dazu reicht die zeit nicht in der mittaghspause :D

aber, eins muss ich sagen, für ein blosses spiel, ein blosses hinhalten ohne gefühle hat sie sich zuviel zeit genommen, wobei ich natürlich nicht weiss, ob sie einfach nichts besseres zu tun hat ;)

diese mails lesen sich (soweit ichs überflogen habe) in der tat so, als ob sie sich in diesen "liebeswahn" wirklich reinsteigert (sorry, etwas anderes ist das für mich nicht)

ein satz sprang mir ins auge: I love loving you..
oder so ähnlich. dies hat in mir den eindruck geweckt, als ob sie im wahrsten sinne des wortes in das verliebtsein verliebt ist. ich glaube, sie geniesst dieses rumgeturtel, wobei leider das object der anderen seite austauschbar ist.

ich weiss, stefan, du willst das nicht hören, und vielleicht irre ich mich ja auch, ABER : du solltest das schnellstmöglich herausfinden, und das geht nur, wenn du rüberfliegst. nimm urlaub, oder noch besser, kündige ihr dein kommen an, und beobachte , wie sie reagiert.
wenn sie dich so liebt, und dich so gern bei sich hätte, sollte sie sich wohl freuen auf deinen besuch. will sie dies nicht aber zulassen, oder findet ausflüchte, weiss ich nicht, was das für eine "liebe" sein soll....

Kora 10.04.2001 23:22

Zeitalter des Exibitionismus?
mann oh mann, ich glaub ich würd meinen Freund umbringen täte der hier meine ganzen Emails veröffentlichen!

Aber nichts für ungut, ich hab Dir glaub ich einmal geschrieben und kann nur hoffen, daß Ihr Euch wirklich bald im richtigen Leben gegenübersteht!

Crystal 11.04.2001 07:06


Geschrieben von Brk<3

Du hast recht. Es stimmt. Habe immer nur die negativen Seiten vermittelt.
Deswegen werde ich jetzt mal ein paar Ihrer Emails freigeben:

21.01.01 21:10

where do i begin ............
well baby iam sorry for any hurt i may have caused you during any time i've talked
to you for you are too much of a sweet kind gently man
that doesn't deserve any of this
and i feel as if i say something wrong or maybe
that you don't agree with you get upset
so thats why sometimes i rather not speak at all
and i know thats not good at all to hide or
not say what i feel it's just that baby i never ever
want to see you confused hurt or leave
you questioning sooooo PlEaSe understand
me thats all i ever ask of you is to
just understand me and my feelings
baby you mean the world to me
i just wish you would understand what
iam going through
well lets see
before i met you i was fine
everthing was perfect i had not very many
worries in life and then when i met you i felt
this unbelieveable feeling inside and out
that made me shiver the feeling was sooooo
strong and it still's just now i go through soooo
many different emotions between us
it sometimes drives me crazy but thats normal
baby and i'am sure we'll go through many other
different emotions
thats what is to be expected
and we will come together onday
i have promised you that and i will
kepp my word its just now is not the time baby
we should both just go on and have fun
and finish are time apart as much as possible
iam way tooooo young to devote my all
to you iam sorry but i can't baby please
understand this and try to agree with me i need you
behind me baby i love and my love for
never think it will maybe sometimes i will
say or do things that make you belive that
thats not true but it is and i will
try not to do that as much as possible
ok? bbay i love you and i never thought that
this could be possible for me to
i would never in a million years even
try to believe i could meet someone like YOU
and on the internet its quite funny
if you think of it i mean are whole relationship
we built on here makes me giggle
but that doesnt matter now because it has happened
right? well i love you more than you will ever know and
i fele this is real no no i know this is real we just
have to trust eachother right?
and there is no way to proff that then just
to be honest with eachother
well bbay i will leave you with wishper
in you ear " i love you " and a kiss upon
your lips
love always and forever

Sa 28.01.01 17:52

god i don't know if this can work stefan
i try but i don't kno whow much more
i can handle it's so hard for me to have
these feelings for you and live
my life without you
it just doesn't fit
and i don't want us to end are realtionship
maybe we should just not
take this as serious untill
we meet i think thats what we should of done
from the begging and never let this lead
to where it is now i think we
both would of had sometimes when
we hurt that wouldn't of if we didn't
let our emotions get in are way
so that we can no long see what
is really happening don't you see
please try to understand me
once you give you whole
self away you've lost
your no longer stable
it's not good for you
you need to be strong baby
i think it's the best for you
i don't think you should ever
have to depend on someone to give
reasons to live but yourself
i love you*

17.03.01 03:38

why do i feel evil like i have done wrong
this feeling is much wrose than before
and after we talked.I feel like a monster
who has just crushed someone. what have i done baby?
i don't want to cause pain to anyone and never to you
i always try to bring smiles to people's faces and to the
one i love i have brought a frown. Please forgive me of what
ive done for now iam sooooo confused and feel traped in
an unknown place in which i cant escape. I now walked through
the day in pain wondering of what ive done or maybe should of
done. Sometimes i wish i never met you at all. Then i would of never
had to do this...cause pain or confusion and hurt. I will try to make things
better or how they were , but how were they? what has changed?? have my
feelings changed? or has yours?? i just remeber your sweet words that would
keep me up at night going over and over in my mind thiking nothing but YOU
of me and you US and the feeling that unbelieveable feeling I got when i
thought of you but now my thoughts are filled with fear and sadness. OOOOO
why does everything have to be so what has happened???what have i done
wrong??? where have i failed??? or maybe I havent at all maybe this is the
way its supossed to be , but no that can't be it for why do i have this
internal urge to write you and why have i thought of only you all day. That
has to be a sign it must mean something or why else would i be writing you
now. I could of just stoped at anytime and never wrote you again.It seems
thsi all is coming to me as i sit here and write you word by word.I feel no
urge to stop but just keep going my fingers are moving faster then iam
thinking i can't seem to control it , nor do i want to. I hope ypu check
your mail and read this. but iam sure you will i hope i don;t make you wait
for mail and then you check and there is nothing from me. See iam not that
very good I know i get caught up in things and iam sorry well i shouldnt say
sorry because sorrys don't ease pain but i mean every word i say to you or i
would of never let this go this far.I feel as if this unknown feeling has
come over me to give me power to proceed this whole realtioship.I would
never in my wildest dreams ever think of doing soemthig like this i mean
finding someone like you.but iam glade i have and now this moment i finally
relaize that it was meant or why else would this be as it is.Maybe iam
answering a few questions for myself and maybe some for you. Well iam glade
i wrote you and i hope you understand everything and know where iam coming
from and if you don't then iam sorry but it just how i think iam feeling...
no how i know iam feeling. write me back when you get a chance.


18.03.01 17:55

ohh baby
i love you soo much
i love loving you and i know deep in heart that
everthing will work out between us i just know it
i know we can work through anything if we try
and make ourselfs we can defeat anyhing together
i just know we can we have that power baby
to make things work and make eachother better
such healing hands we have to heal eachothers souls
baby i love you and i will never stop loving i dont think
theres anything in this world that make me stop loving you
i need you like the blood that runs through my body that keeps me alive i need to see your words so i can make it through the day everthing i say to you just comes through my fingers without me thinking one second i dont have time to think its soo werid i dont think things through while i say theses things to you they just type and i cant stop untill my fingers stop moving i love you baby and i will always
yours forever

31.03.01 22:16

baby i need you
i hate not talking to you
i need your words
u say you need me next to you
but your never here
i feel so empty without you
i cant go on like this baby
iam sorry but you tell me one thing
and then i don't talk to you for two weeks
if you want me to beleive its true how can
i ????? dont hold back baby just tell me
if you really need me
don't play these games with me .........
i hear you say you need me
but i dont thing its true anymore
come on baby tell me.........
if iam asking to much of you
then let me know

01.04.01 03:51

the words don't seem to be forming
i dont know what to think
and iam sorry for thinking anything
why didn't you tell me before
that you talk to other girls like this
or did you want to wait
untill when.......
i am sorry i don't understand
and i feel soooo foolish
and tricked
how could i be so stupid so nieve
how ???? i know i shouldnt be mad
or even upset i dont even know why iam doing this
but now i wish i never did
god this hurts i guess we just
both expected things from each other
that werent going to happen
so we have different feelings
iam sorry iam soo sorry
i just don't i don't
i don't know anymore
i feel like i don't even know you
you are soo unreal and know after i
tryed and tryed to make me believe you were
it is now painfully drifting away
but it won't it can't it's too deep
within me i can't control my anger my tears that fall
the pain that stings
i don't ecpect you to understand and don't dare tell me you do
so i wonder when you were palning to even write me or
let alone tell me
i thought you were different but you have worn
a mask that i fell in love with and i just want to tell that
man how could you ???
no more identity

01.04.01 04:20

and i just want to say
don't tell me not be angy don't tell me not to
be upset
how could you do me like this
and how could you tell me things
why did you do this to me
why why haven't you told me earlier i don't understand
i can't understand you have lied to me everything you've
said is a lie
you have probably even gotten confused with the girls and
have told me lies
i knew it when you changed you haven't talked the same with me
your words are different
i feel like i hate you
like i regret every mintue ive known you
i know this won't hit you as hard as it has done to me
i can't talk anymore iam dieing inside....
and to think of you
is the hardest thing ive ever gone through
you were perfect in my eyes i didnt
care of anything when i was with you
now iam soo lost and it wont ever be the same again
i shouldn't even talk to you and i probably won't
be able to my heart has been torn into pieces
and you were the last person i would think of
doing it to me but you have and now i can't even bare to
speak your name i just wanted to tell you all of my feelings
and i want you to read every word iam speaking
because i want you to see what you have done to me
to think that i would never in my lifetime fall for someone
on here thinking how foolish it was and how the people
that do are crazy and i did and you've done so with
more than just me
i know will try to take back every word you said to me
that have been my sanity and kept me warm
and fill those words with disgust
and pain and try to remove them
you have done a lot stefan i want you to
know that what you did to me
was like unknown you will never ever feel what
iam feeling now and i wish you could....
and someday i wish apon you what i feel and i want you to think of me everytime
you cry everytime you hurt everytime you wake up

03.04.01 03:14

how can you tell me my fellings or how i felt
how can you say i never tryed for our love,
anything ive ever done was for you ,saying to see other people
for you so that we would last and to make it easier
i did it for you ,
i don't understand and how can you tell me ive fallen in love with other
men when i never even came close .... i have never loved anyone like you
or should i say the stefan the man i fell in love with ,
your are not the one i gave my love to, my heart that beated for you,
and that i wasnt there for you ,have you noticed that we live in a different country
and that we have a six hour time difference, and that when i was sleeping you
were waking. and i know that we said to see other people but i didnt think that
you would fall in love with how many???? you just don't fall in love that quick
you must of been talking for some time to have fallen in love.iam sorry if i can't understand that. and i cant talk about this cause it just gets me too upset, i dont even know what to say to you, i dont know how i could look at you, and it hurts and makes me
want to go back and change what i did wrong ,but everything ive done was for you ,
where has our trust gone ,where has our love gone ,why has this happend to me ,
why did i have to put my heart into this, god i hate myself ,and i want to hide my feelings but all they do is shine through ,even though ive spent most of my time in my room hiding from the sun, from the rest of the world ,shying away like ive never done ,because this is too over powering, it has taken over every inch of my body and soul
and i have no where to run, noone to run to, but blank walls and shut doors, and iam trying to make myself move from the floor but iam stuck ,i have nothing else to look for, nothing to wake for ,nothing to give myself to ,so i will saty here untill someone
makes me move, and hold onto my heart untill it starts to bleeds, and gets to too much that my mother starts to scream ,but i cant let go, you just dont know how bad i hurt
how bad my bones ache for you, for a word from your mouth that says everything
is ok, but its not, and either am i, iam sorry ,and i know i always say that but
iam ,and i never met to cause you pain, and if i did i would take it as my own
and give you happiness instead, i dont want you to hurt anymore.......

05.04.01 00:03

god baby i love you
i need you i never want you to leave me
i will always love and nothing will ever change
that but for some reason i thought this time
it was really over and the pain was unbearable
you don't know how much i depend on you
to go through my days and can know that iam
in love with the most wonderful most perfect guy
anyone could ask for and the thought of me not having
you there on the other end was more painful than
anything i imagined. I love you stefan
please know that i will aalways no matter
what would happen
and iam sorry if i reacted as i shouldn't
but you don't know the feeling i endure when you
told me there was more than me loving you
and please please baby tell me if this isn't
what you want i could never go on
knowing that i stoped you from what you really
wanted to do and i don't care who your with
as long as i know i will have you in my heart
thats all that matters baby
it seems that now i was the one on my knees for you
but i dont care
i dont care who your with anymore
i just need to know i can talk to you and one day touch you
wanna put my lips all over you
iam soo addicted to you
i wanna be the one next to you
i wanna feel you all around me
i never knew i could feel this way
till i met you
without you iam incomplete
your everything in this world a girl could want
even though it seems i have everything i need
nothing compares to you
and i can make believe that i have it all
but i cant pretend that without you iam incomplete
when you say you love me
i get butterflies and i could rule the world
with your words
i know this is true because i have felt it so many times
and when i know iam not with you i can't move
and my whole body aches and anything anyone does or says
to me doesnt seem to matter anymore
nothing does when i know i have you
iam sooo happy to have gotten this email from
you but i dont really understand why you have
written it
for your email i got yesterday ive never cryed
so much it hit me and every word i read
made me cry harder and my eyes were stuck
on the screen and i tred to close them to make
the words dissapear but they couldnt close and
i had to keep reading and my tears were overflowing
i love you stefan.........

06.04.01 00:17

i never had these feelings untill you
i never felt my knees get weak when i read an email
i never cared for someone as much as i do for you
i am soo in love will you and iam not really sure when it happend
or how it quite happend but i don't care how or need to know how it
did because i have you and i will never let you slip away
from me as long as you don't resist my hands
baby i love you soo much and you have no idea
how scared i was that we might lose eachother for good
and i don't know why we always do this get into
these fights and turn our backs on eachother when it
gets rough but i dont care i promise that i wont do that
that i will try to stay with you through everything
together and be there for you when you need me
and kiss you when your sad and hug you when you need to be hugged
i will try anthing so that we can have a better relationship please know
that so whatever you want to do i promise i will try my hardest to understand even if it's hard for me and if that means we get with other people and hang out with them and you kiss them and even love them
i will understand........but don't every think once i stoped loving you
cause nothing will or or would come between us!!!! ok?
we've made it this far baby lets not give up this easy
we can make it just like i always said we would we will
and if we really don't we will know cause it will stop and as of now
nothing has stoped or changed
i love you ...........
** till you hear me**
i love you

So Leuts...
das war jetzt ne ganze Menge
und ihre unterschiedlichen Reaktionen lassen sich auf meine Emails zurückführen die ich euch aber nicht auch noch lesen lassen will....

Würde mich mal sehr interessieren was Ihr jetzt so denkt...

Euer Stefan

was ich dabei denke?
der text oben hört sich an wie irgendwas, das schon tausend mal in irgendwelchen herzschmerz songs vorgekommen ist.
da ist wohl ne kleine songwriterin am werke....die lyrics sind nicht wirklich dir bestimmt. sie klingen leer.
aber du siehst es nicht.
du bist ein mensch, der sich nach liebe verzehrt und glaubst, sie hätte all diese worte für DICH geschrieben.


putzi 11.04.2001 16:46


Geschrieben von Crystal

du bist ein mensch, der sich nach liebe verzehrt und glaubst, sie hätte all diese worte für DICH geschrieben.

WACH AUF!!! [/B]
crystal, wie wäre es , wenn du etwas sparsamer zitieren würdest ;) ?

es war schon mühsam genug, sich durch stefans posting zu scrollen *g*...

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